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Genderbend Joker Antoinette’s Decadent Stomacher

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Here are a more details on one aspect of my genderbend joker cosplay – the stomacher. I made it from two dupioni silk pillowcases (pictured here) I bought at a thrift store for less than 2 euros. It has all sorts of fabulous texture – can you guess what stitching technique I used???

Finished Costume at Comic Con Germany!!

Hey! I’m sorry I didn’t keep up with posting about making my Joker Antoinette costume. My excuse: I’ve been sewing like a nut for the past three weeks. The closer I got to the deadline, the farther behind I fell on getting everything done.

Joker Antoinette’s Undies, Part 5: The Petticoats

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Last time: I’m making period 18th century underwear for my Joker/Marie Antoinette cosplay; design here; about the shift; Making the corset here and here; About the hip padding; A free downloadable pattern for my hip pads here. The final layer of Joker Antoinette’s underwear is the petticoats.  Women back then wore three or four petticoats under their dresses. But […]

FREE sewing pattern!!!! Make 18th cen. hip pads that hold water bottles!

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Last time: I’m making period 18th century underwear for my Joker/Marie Antoinette cosplay. (Design here. See first, second, third and fourth posts about making underwear.) I’m taking a break from documenting making 18th century underwear. Today is giveaway day – I’m sharing a FREE sewing pattern I made for hip pads that double as water bottles holders! Is this an […]

Joker Antoinette’s Undies, Part 4: Padding Galore!

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Last time: I’m making period 18th century underwear for my Joker/Marie Antoinette cosplay. (Design here. See first, second and third posts about making underwear.) Next on my list for Joker Antoinette is giving her proper hip and booty padding under her skirt. I did a bunch of research, though I didn’t find much, other than this satirical cartoon:

The Joker’s Undies, Part 3: All About the Stays

Last time: I’m making period 18th century underwear for my Joker/Marie Antoinette cosplay. (Design here. Here are the first and second posts about making underwear.) Today I’m sharing all the good sew-y details of making the stays. This post is, unfortunately, long and not as amusing as I would like it to be. But I […]

The Joker’s Undies, Part 2: Misadventures in Padding

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Last week: I’m making period 18th century underwear for my Joker/Marie Antoinette cosplay. (Design here. Previous post about making underwear here.) When we left off last time, I was talking about the corset for Joker Antoinette. It would make sense for me to tell you how I constructed it in detail, but I don’t wanna! […]

The Joker’s Undies, Part 1

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I’ve been hard at work on my Joker Antoinette costume for Comic-Con Germany! My version of Batman’s Joker just happens to be an 18th century queen. I’m not aiming for 100% historical accuracy, but I think  the key to making this costume stand out will be nailing the silhouette of the period.

Introducing Joker Antoinette!

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I’ve got my tickets for Comic Con Germany and OF COURSE I am going to go in costume!! Here’s my idea: I’ll be a genderbending crossover between the Joker from Batman and the infamous French queen Marie Antoinette. Her name: Joker Antoinette. Or maybe Marie Jokerette…